Body Dysmorphia Vs. Poor Body Image: Spotting The Difference
Body dysmorphia is more common than eating disorders. Yet, the understanding of the condition is limited in the public sphere. Do you constantly fixate on perceived flaws about your body every time you look in the mirror? Do you worry that your nose is flawed, your teeth too crooked, and you constantly have acne on […]
The Best Books On Autism To Help You Understand The Condition
The best books on autism can help you gather the right information, understand the condition, and provide better support. You want to learn more about autism spectrum disorder (ASD). You want to understand how it shows up and affects your child’s day-to-day life. Maybe you’ve had an ASD diagnosis yourself as a child and are […]
7 Tips On How To Stop Caring About What People Think Of You?

Placing too much emphasis on people’s opinions can adversely affect your mental well-being. Here’s how to stop caring what people think and start living your life. If you’ve ever followed what most people were saying or tried to fit in by silencing your voice, you are concerned about what other people think of you. Don’t […]
What Is Bulimia Nervosa: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments
Struggling with your relationship with food? You might have bulimia. Here’s a complete guide to understand its symptoms and treatment options. The post What Is Bulimia Nervosa: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments appeared first on Your Mental Health Pal.
9 Books On Grief That’ll Change The Way You Deal With Loss
Dealing with loss is difficult. Here are nine books on grief to help you navigate through the toughest time in your life. The post 9 Books On Grief That’ll Change The Way You Deal With Loss appeared first on Your Mental Health Pal.
How To Stop Being So Darn Judgmental About Everything?
Is being critical ruining your mental health and life? Here are the top seven tips on how to stop being judgmental of others. The post How To Stop Being So Darn Judgmental About Everything? appeared first on Your Mental Health Pal.
More Than Just Food: Psychology Behind Binge Eating Disorder
Most people occasionally have more food than usual. We fill up that extra plate when having our favorite pizza, enjoy an extra piece of cake at a birthday party, or eat until we are stuffed on a weekend. However, for people with binge eating disorder (BED), overeating becomes more than just food. It crosses the […]
Beyond Baby Blues: 9 Warning Signs of Postpartum Depression
Struggling as a new mother? Here’s a complete guide to the biggest warning signs of postpartum depression and how to deal with them. The post Beyond Baby Blues: 9 Warning Signs of Postpartum Depression appeared first on Your Mental Health Pal.
Solo Thriving: A Guide On What To Do When You Are Lonely
Struggling with being alone? Here are the best tips on what to do when you are lonely and take charge of your well-being right now! The post Solo Thriving: A Guide On What To Do When You Are Lonely appeared first on Your Mental Health Pal.
Can’t Stop Yawning? 9 Best Hacks On How To Rest Like A Pro
Struggling to find adequate rest for your mind and body? Here are the nine best hacks on how to rest mentally and physically. The post Can’t Stop Yawning? 9 Best Hacks On How To Rest Like A Pro appeared first on Your Mental Health Pal.